Chateaux Mouton Rothschild 1979

Chateaux Mouton-Rotschild-1979

Chateaux Mouton Rothschild i din egen vinsamling?

Chateaux Mouton Rothschild (1979) vil altid pynte i en vinsamling, men den kan være den første Mouton, du ejer.

“Vinen (1979) fremstår med en smuk, klar mørk rød farve og indsmigrende og nuanceret næse med blåbær, solbær, grafit og cedertræ. I munden fremstår den smukt og silkeblødt med dyb, finesserig frugt, fintslebne og strukturerede tanniner og en uovertruffen lang og elegant eftersmag.”

Hisao Domoto designede 1979 Mouton etiketten

Kunstneren, der skabte etiketten i 1979, var ingen ringere end en af Japans bedste kunstnere, Hisao Domoto:

“Born in Kyoto of a family of painters, Hisao Domoto (1928-2013) studied traditional Japanese painting before traveling to Europe in 1952. This introduced him to Western abstract painting and persuaded him to break with his earlier training.

Resolutely abstract, his work was inspired initially by the theory of Informality. His “Solutions of Continuity” followed: superimposed strips of contrasting colours. Then came his “Possibilities of Chain Reaction”, marrying the theme of the chain to that of the circle, caught in fluid and rhythmical movement, reinforced by vivid and radiant colors.

His design for the 1979 Mouton Rothschild label is a brilliant example of his third period. This is the first label to have been commissioned from a Japanese artist.” (fra Moutons Rothschild´s egen hjemmeside)

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